Do Not Fine, Page 15
Thanks to my Patreon supporters this month —
Zicofool, Switchbored505, Steven Duffy, spectralunicorn, snekinabox, Simon Signal, Scoliwings, S. A., RandomGeekNamedBrent, Phidica Veia, Phase Raccoon, Noah Habenstreit, Nichtschwert, Natalie Frost, Minerva Q, Mel, Logan Smeallie, Lisa Smeallie, JuniperTheory, juliet, Jonathan Caridia, john smeallie, jelly, jay jorts, James Clapham, Heather Robertson, Hawken Rives, Gisele Weaver, Gage, eden lanois, Dylan McDermid, Dong Strongly, Digamma-F-Wau, Davey Blackstock, Cynosura, Chu, Camile, Boothtaste, Bobby Schroeder, Arms, Andrew Roach, and 1ore!
The plot thickens!
i gotta say i’m absolutely loving the courtroom drama