This page was released to my supporters on Patreon one week early! If you’d like to read new comics fresh out of the oven, you can join them!
Flat colors for this episode were provided by GJ Pelczar [twitter]
Special thanks to Zicofool, Steven Duffy, spectralunicorn, Scoliwings, Phidica, Phase Raccoon, Meredith Yancy, Logan Smeallie, Juniper Theory, John Smeallie, James Clapham, Eva D, eden, Dong Strongly, Cynosura, Courage, Bobby Schroeder, and Andrew Roach for supporting me this month on Patreon!
January 27, 2025 | 8:53 pm
France enters the scene
December 19, 2021 | 12:42 am
Even on a first readthrough I can tell that this is where the comic goes from good to great. Fantastic chapter, loving the feels here.
Harry Underwood
May 26, 2021 | 8:11 pm
I keep rereading this particular chapter. It hits me in the feels everytime.