WHOOPS I FORGOT TO SCHEDULE THIS ONE OOPSIE so it’s going up simultaneously on the main site! Expect another page in just a sec that’ll go up next week.
Everybody Wants to Have a World, Page 26
WHOOPS I FORGOT TO SCHEDULE THIS ONE OOPSIE so it’s going up simultaneously on the main site! Expect another page in just a sec that’ll go up next week.
Everybody Wants to Have a World, Page 25
Special thanks to Zicofool, Steven Duffy, spectralunicorn, Scoliwings, Phidica, Phase Raccoon, Noah Habenstreit, Meredith Yancy, Logan Smeallie, Juniper Theory, James Clapham, Eva D, eden, Dong Strongly, Cynosura, Courage, Bobby Schroeder, and Andrew Roach Flat colors for this episode were provided by GJ Pelczar [twitter]
Everybody Wants to Have A World, Page 24
Special thanks to Zicofool, Steven Duffy, spectralunicorn, Scoliwings, Phidica, Phase Raccoon, Meredith Yancy, Logan Smeallie, Juniper Theory, James Clapham, Eva D, eden, Dong Strongly, Cynosura, Courage, Bobby Schroeder, and Andrew Roach Flat colors for this episode were provided by GJ Pelczar [twitter]