
Site refresh

Whoa! Remember news posts? I haven’t made one in a few whatevers. But it’s worth it this time! The website has been given a total re-theme, with an eye towards making the reading and commenting experiences feel smoother and less cramped. Episodes once again have unique color schemes, comments are cleaner and cuter to look Site refresh

New Site!

Whoa! If you’re reading this that means the new site should be live(?)!I’ve moved to WordPress and made some visual tweaks in the process. Go leave some comments! Also let me know if anything on the site is obviously broken!


SOFTIES: STUFF THAT HAPPENS AFTER THE WORLD BLOWS UP is available now! This graphic novel collection of Softies from Iron Circus comics includes the first nine episodes! Buy it at Amazon, Bookshop, or from Iron Circus! Other people like it too I think! “Offers unexpected weight and meaning.” ― BOOKLIST “Young readers are sure to BOOK!