Episode: The Pilot

<p>Kay, Arizona, and Euclid get a chance to just kind of chill out.</p>

The Pilot, Page 4

That’s all for this bite-sized little episode! I’ll be coming atcha with information about the next one pretty soon. It’s probably going to be one of the bigger babies I’ve birthed onto this web-world, so this tiny-tiny ep is here to counterbalance it. Seeya soon! Special thanks to Chu, Jen, John Smeallie, and Julian for The Pilot, Page 4

The Pilot, Page 3

If you load up some MacinTalk voices and find the voice “Princess” that’s what Euclid sounds like Special thanks to Chu, Jen, John Smeallie, and Julian for supporting this comic on Patreon!

The Pilot, Page 2

Happy Valpentymes Day Special thanks to Chu, Jen, John Smeallie, and Julian for supporting this comic on Patreon!